CV Lee Weekly Update

Last week at the Village was all about dogs and cats. The children visited the Dogs and Cats Exhibition at the Horniman museum and brought back some ideas to play with at the clubhouse.

They learned fun facts about cats and dogs, shared amusing stories about their own cats and dogs, and wrote and illustrated cat diaries. One child played an audio book she had recorded herself about a group of cats called “The Miaow Gang” and some of the children pretended to be dogs going for a walk on the lead. They also made dogs and cats out of plasticine.

Out on the playing field many happy hours were spent hanging around in the hammock, honing archery skills, trampolining, trimming nettles and brambles, and making pancakes and sandwiches in the mud kitchen.

After all that thirsty work, the children returned to the clubhouse to make carrot and apple juice with the juicer.