CV Lee Weekly Update

Spring was in the air at the Village this week with the children planting pea, cucumber, courgette, tomato and sunflower seeds which they later plan to plant out in the garden with each child having their own plot of land. They also made seed bombs which they threw into the undergrowth around the field, making a wish as they threw them, excited about them exploding into blooms of wild flowers in the coming weeks.

There was lots of activity in the garden with plenty being cooked up in the mud kitchen and sightings of an albino woodlouse, some giant earthworms and some snails. The children also installed a new slide and some ladders in the garden and began weeding the area around the ladder, removing lots of nettles with ingenious use of scissors and trowels. They made further plans to do some weeding to make room for their flower and vegetable plots.

Back in the clubhouse, the children became tiny seeds that grew into big and strong trees in their yoga session and one of the children proposed making a rota so that each child can choose their favourite song to play for the daily dance session that has become a much loved Village tradition. There was much joyful jumping about, spinning, twirling and an impromptu conga line. There was also a chocolate-making workshop, a rollerblading party, some reading of books about earthworms and flowers, and some daffodil still life painting.