CV Weekly Update

Pancake Day, yum! After our morning meeting, we jumped straight into making batter in small groups. Once one group had made a batch with me, they remembered the whole recipe and made two more batches entirely on their own! It was also lovely to see how naturally the children supported each other—when one child hesitated to crack an egg, another stepped in to demonstrate and guide them through it.

We experimented with natural dyes to colour our pancakes and while there were a few challenges along the way, we eventually got some satisfying results. We used matcha powder, concentrated beetroot juice, butterfly pea flower tea and even fresh strawberries to create colourful batter.

Meanwhile, the kitchen was buzzing with activity. Fruit and hazelnuts were chopped, our wonderful parent volunteers handled the frying and somehow we managed to get everything served on time—yay! After our delicious feast, we invited everyone to hand wash their dishes in the kitchen and they had to queue up for their turn, which they did happily! One child proudly commented that it was the fifth time they had washed dishes by hand.

In the afternoon, a popular game of Evil Sisters brought a bigger group of children together in the garden. The outdoor team reported progress on digging out the huge sandbag and a simple treehouse was quickly assembled.

Other highlights of the day included creative crafts, brick constructions, drawing, physical play and smashing balloons filled with ice. We also had a memorable moment in the toilet with a big spillage—followed by an equally big cleanup. The girls began rehearsing a new play, a comedy titled Audition, which is already shaping up to be lots of fun.

We ended the day reflecting on how much we enjoyed the session (and how delicious the pancakes were!). Next week we’re planning to make a papier-mâché lava volcano, which sounds like an exciting project.