Spring Term 1 Update

Hi all,

We just wanted to share some of our photos taken in the last few weeks. It was a great few weeks! We started the year by thinking what want to do this year and how we can get there by designing our own vision boards. Children in Lee were offered to take part in yoga and breathing exercises every morning. Our group projects were inspired by the children’s interests.

The children's love for animals and passion for knowledge encouraged us to design a series of projects exploring the animal kingdom in our Lee group. We celebrated Chinese New Year with a dragon parade, paper red lanterns, tiger face paint and yummy Chinese dumplings. One afternoon we invited other home educated children to come in and play board games with us. Another day we arranged a story time session with tea and muffins and invited some of our parents to read a book or two.

In Stockwell the children were offered a few fun art and cooking activities as well as an awesome cable car project. When asked where they would like to go on a trip, they voted to visit Kidzania so that’s where we went soon after. It was truly fab! And of course a lot more happened in the afternoons. We love to spend a lot of time outside, playing on the swings, on the trampoline and in the garden.

If you’re curious to find out more about Children’s Village, please send us an email at childrensvillageuk@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you soon.