Children’s Village Stockwell Open Day

Hi all,
Children’s Village is a consent-based and self-directed education community for home educated children aged 6-12. We are based in an adventure playground with extensive outdoor space, a garden, and a park next door where the children often go skateboarding and rollerskating.
We run on a termly basis, 9.30am-3pm, and create together regular, consistent community, where young people and facilitators are free to follow and share their interests, be creative, express and get to know themselves, and build relationships in an authentic and supportive environment.
This Friday we will be hosting an open day during which our kids will be running their own stalls and games. They will do guided tours for the guests, we will have a gardening activity and much more.
During the event your kids are welcome to play at the adventure playground, which is usually closed to the public at this time of the day.
Feel free to join the event WhatsApp group or Facebook page for updates:

We can’t wait to meet you all.
Many thanks,Paula Rozmysl and Paula Konopko
Children’s Village