CV Lee Weekly Update

CV Lee Weekly Update

After the morning meeting, where we went over one of our key guidelines - no means no and stop means stop - we dived into making waffles in small groups. We read the recipe and doubled the ingredients to ensure we had plenty for everyone. Along the way, we learned how to use a waffle maker properly - and how not to! We also whipped up some delicious cream. At lunchtime, we sat together as a group and enjoyed the waffles we had made - a beautiful communal experience.

In the afternoon, the girls focused on drawing and sewing, particularly crafting their own corsets, while the boys engaged in lots of physical play and rough-and-tumble games outside. At one point, they worked hard to cover the trampoline in blankets, creating a cozy base where they later hid under another blanket. Archery was a big hit today, with one child eagerly adding up their own points throughout the activity. It was also wonderful to see two of the boys try crocheting for the first time.

During our goodbye circle, we brainstormed ways to handle conflicts when they arise and agreed to make potato pancakes next week. If I had to choose three words to sum up today, they would be “enthusiastic”, “harmonious" and “magical".