CV Lee Weekly Update

The children continued their enjoyment of the coming of spring this week by celebrating Holi, the Hindu festival of colours. They danced to Indian music, made colourful paper dolls and went wild in the garden throwing coloured powders over each other.

Like flowers turning their faces towards the springtime sunlight, the children gravitated outside, practising yoga barefoot on the grass with a walking meditation and games with the singing bowl, stringing up a hammock, building dens, climbing trees, jumping on the trampoline, and organising a picnic lunch.

Some of the children wanted to learn about owls so they watched a video, fascinated to find out that owls can turn their heads almost all the way round and that they vomit up pellets containing the fur and bones of their prey which they can’t digest. They dissected some real owl pellets, grouped the bones together and attempted to identify what their owl had for dinner.