Easter Camp Report

If you’re wondering how our first Children’s Village camp went last week, here’s our report. Have fun reading and browsing through the photos from the day. It was awesome!

To start with, we invited the children to sing a couple of songs and play some fun team building games using sticks, our bodies and clothes. Then the children were free to choose whatever activities they wanted to take part in.

Most, if not all, of the campers explored different methods of making fire and learnt to use a fire steel to light a fire. You could tell that this was probably the most favourite activity of the day for the children. Some even went home with their own fire steel. In the meantime, clay was collected by the river and hung on the tree to get rid of most of the water.

Most kids put on their wellies and jumped in the river, which has always been so generous to us and our camp day was no exception. Some of the children had such a great time exploring the river that they needed to change their clothes twice during the day.

At lunchtime we gathered round a fire, took out our packed lunches and roasted marshmallows. Yum!

In the afternoon we painted pictures using pigments from natural materials such as mud, charcoal and soft rocks. We also made little sail boats out of sticks and string. Some children blew gigantic bubbles and others explored tying basic knots. The magnificent willow trees we spent the day under were given faces out of clay decorated with whatever we could find around.

When it was nearly time to say goodbye, we sang a handful of catchy campfire songs with a guitar and then smashed an Easter bunny piñata and enjoyed a few treats. All children went home with a handmade amulet and instructions how to make an origami Easter bunny. What a fab day! :-)